Monday, November 1, 2010

front page of BBC's website:

"The US has been the most regular and most extensive user of the weapons, probably has the world's biggest stockpile with maybe as many as a billion sub-munitions in its current arsenal."
Cluster bombs were used in the first Gulf War, in Kosovo, Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq, and possibly in Yemen in 2009, he said, but America had agreed in principle the weapon was damaging to civilians.
"They are in this untenable position of saying: 'We agree these weapons cause too much harm to civilians, but at the same time we want to use them for another 10 years'."

Hopefully this is the beginning of more international press as we lead up to the convention. Hopefully there will be at least some press in the States.


  1. I wonder --- everyone is so caught up in mid-term election mania. Glad that you are working on something a little more constructive.

  2. Everyone should check out
